木々や葉、苔、落ち葉、風、太陽の光、これらの重なりや移ろいを表現した作品です。熊野古道や屋久島などを旅する中で、その重なりに自然の歴史や生命の環がみられ、その壮大さにただただ感嘆するばかりでした。森林の中でよく現れる不規則の中の規則、生と死のゆらぎ、時間軸の違いなどを意識した制作となりました。 This artwork expresses the layers and transitions of trees, leaves, moss, fallen leaves, wind, and sunlight. In my travels along the Kumano Kodo Trail and Yakushima Island, I have seen the history of nature and the circle of life in the overlapping layers, and have simply been amazed at the magnificence of it all. The artwork was created with an awareness of the patterns of regularity within irregularity that often appear in forests, the fluctuation between life and death, and the difference in time axes.